Saturday, January 18, 2025!
Check in opens at 9:30, race start: 11am
Please note: the race is full, no race day registrations!
Join us for the 21st Sandia Snowshoe Classic, presented by the Friends of the Sandia Mountains (FOSM) on Saturday, January 18, 2025.
The event course looks good with the latest snow!
The race will begin at 11am at the lower-level parking lot at Sandia Crest and is a 5K tour of the beautiful trails in the Cibola National Forest. The event is limited to 175 participants, ages 13 and older; racers of all levels are welcome. No race day registrations. Register and join us; don’t miss out on the fun!
Registration fee is $45 and includes refreshments, swag, the parking fee at the Crest and the processing fee; please note: no refunds, no rescheduling of the event, and no transfer of entries. You will receive your bib and giveaways at race day check in; no pre-race packet pick up. There will be gifts for age group winners and the overall top three winners each for male and female will again receive cash prizes!
Updated course map: 2025 Sandia Snowshoe Classic map
Please bring your own snowshoes! Several places in town provide daily rentals, e.g. MST Adventures, Sports Systems.
JackRabbit Race Management will join us again for this run to provide timing!
As always, please plan to carpool to the Crest on race day since parking is limited.
All proceeds go to the Friends of the Sandia Mountains for preservation and maintenance of trails as well as other US Forest Service resources. Thank you for your support!
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Sandia Crest
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.