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Once in a DOUBLE Blue Moon 1/2 Marathon, 10K, and 5K

Sat March 31, 2018 Las Vegas, NV 89120 US



8:00AM PDT - 11:30AM PDT


8:00AM PDT - 11:30AM PDT

1/2 Marathon MORNING

8:00AM PDT - 11:30AM PDT


6:45PM PDT - 10:15PM PDT


6:45PM PDT - 10:15PM PDT

1/2 Marathon EVENING

6:45PM PDT - 10:15PM PDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


2601 East Sunset Road
Las Vegas, NV US 89120


A “Blue Moon” is the name given to the second full moon in a calendar month. Since there are roughly 29.5 days between full moons, it is unusual for two full moons to occur in a 30 or 31 day month (and impossible to fit into a 28 or 29 day month, so February can never have a Blue Moon). The saying “Once in a Blue Moon” means a rare occurrence; on average there will be one Blue Moon every 2.5 years. Calico Racing has celebrated the Blue Moon in 2012, 2015, and will again in 2018.

Once in a DOUBLE Blue Moon: In 2018 we will celebrate something truly rare, a situation which only takes place about four times a century: two Blue Moons occurring in the same year. The last time this happened was in 1999, and after 2018 we won’t have a double blue moon again until 2037, 2067, and 2094! Sounds like a good excuse to party!

You can choose from the following start times; or DOUBLE DOWN and run both!:

8am: Start of the morning race: 1/2 Marathon, 10K, and 5K all together
6:45pm: Start of the evening race: 1/2 Marathon, 10K, and 5K all together

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at


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