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21 in 2021: 5K #6

Sat March 27 - Fri December 31 Anywhere USA, NY 10001 US



Anywhere USA
Anywhere USA, NY US 10001


We are a community of people committed to encouraging one another along a journey to complete 21 5Ks in 2021. 

For many of us 2020 sucked and we’re happy to leave it behind. But being the best version of ourselves is more than just running away from something, it’s about running toward a goal - that’s why we started RunForward. The goal is to complete 21 5K's in 2021. We want to create a community rather than a competition. It’s not about who finishes first, it’s about how many of us cross that finish line together. So whether you are an avid runner or if you haven’t exercised since high school gym class we want to invite you to join us on this journey and become part of our community.

21 5Ks in 2021 is roughly one every 17 days. For those who run as part of your normal exercise routine 3.1 miles it doesn’t sound like a big challenge. For those who have never signed up, competed in and completed a 5K, that may be terrifying. You can do this! The challenge is to not only complete 21 5Ks in a year but to get better along the way.

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