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Race the Night Virtual Run

Sat September 5, 2020 Anywhere USA, NY 10001 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Anywhere USA
Anywhere USA, NY US 10001


Race through the night and we'll help you look fabulous running at night!

Run a 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, or Marathon and through the night and we'll help you look fabulous running at night!

Run an individual virtual run in your own time & pace (5K, 10K, or 13.1 Half Marathon, Marathon) at any destination of your choice and get swagged up on us!

You can run at anytime and anywhere you wish. Once complete, you can send your results through to us at to upload to our website.

What is a Virtual Run and 10 Reasons Why You Should Run in a Virtual Run!

Don't want to wait for your packet? Just e-mail us at and we'll send out your packet right away!

Your Swag Bag includes:

Virtual Swag Bag:

- Certificate of Completion with Digital Medal

- Custom Bib (Printable/Optional)

- Custom Digital Card Photo (with results)

- Online Results

- Digital (Printable) Running Journal

- Postcard Print/Shipped to your home! (Optional)

Medal Packet includes:

- All of the above

+ plus a large finisher's medal shipped to your home

Special Item Packet includes:

- Digital Tools + LED Armbands shipped to your home!

Full packet includes:

- All of the above

- large finisher's medal

- Plus This Year's Running Shirt

- Plus LED Armbands

- Shipping Included!

- Personal Coordinator/Coach

- LED Armbands

Other Additional Included Items:

- Optional Course Maps

- Optional Pen Pal program

All items will be mailed directly to your home so NO package pickup is required!


Entry also includes a free (optional) membership into our running community where we send tips, advice, encouragement, and special offers to our runners.

Get a Custom Running Postcard 

You run, we put you in a new place to share with your friends and family!  

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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