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HBCU for LIFE 5K Walk/Run

Sat September 19, 2020 Brooklyn, NY 11203 US


Your Neighborhood or Local Park
Brooklyn, NY US 11203


Join us as we WALK and RUN in support of HBCUs across the country! 
Hosted by The Delta Rho Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® and The Ivy Rose Foundation, Incorporated®

Show your love and HBCU pride as we run in support of historically Black colleges and universities. We invite you to join us wherever you are on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, 2020 @ 9:15am as we kick-off this virtual run live on Zoom. Details below. 

If you are able to participate that morning, feel free to run on another day or spread the 5K (3.1 miles) out over the course of a few days.

Wear your college gear or colors, undergraduate chapter para, or if you didn't graduate from an HBCU, feel free to wear a black shirt in solidarity with the institutions that birthed some of the most prominent and impactful Black professionals and leaders in all areas of study. 

All registration fees will go directly in support of the AKA HBCU Endowment Initiative in partnership with EAF which will provide financial support on each HBCU campus to help students remain in school, complete their course of study, and receive their college degrees. We encourage all participants to collect donations from family and friends for each mile you run to support students across the country. 

Opening Ceremony 
9:15am- Welcome
9:20am - Virtual Warm-up
9:25am - Star Spangled Banner & The Black National Anthem
9:30am- Race begins

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