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Pumpkins In The Park 5K - Buffalo

Sun October 27, 2019 Buffalo, NY 14214 US Directions



10:00AM EDT

Kids Run Wild 1/4 Mile

10:45AM EDT
Open to ages 6 and under.

Kids Run Wild 1/2 Mile

10:50AM EDT
Open to ages 12 and under.

Kids Run Wild 1 Mile

11:00AM EDT
Open to ages 12 and under.


Pumpkins In The Park 5K & Kids Run Wild Races

Location: Delaware Park
A Family-Friendly Halloween-Themed 5K

Don't Forget to Wear a Costume!

Enjoy a Family Friendly 5K or Kids can join us for the Kids Run Wild Races - 1/4 (6 & under), 1/2 or Full Mile (12 & Under) 

Cash Prizes to Top 3 Male and Female ($150, $100, $75) plus awards to top 3 in 5 year Age Groups (14 under,15-19 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-65, 65-69, 70 Up)

YellowJacket Racing, in conjunction with Fleet Feet, will donate $1 for every entry in the 5K to a local Breast Cancer Charity in Buffalo in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month!!!  Plus enjoy premium blend cotton short sleeved t-shirts to all 5k registrants by October 1st plus the next 250 registered. Shirt sizes are only guaranteed if registered by October 1st.

Don't Forget to Wear a Costume!

All entries are non-transferable and non-deferrable, no exceptions. Race capped at 400 participants.


84 Parkside Ave
Buffalo, NY US 14214

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Race Website

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