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Halloween 13

Sat October 31 - Sun November 1 Endicott, NY 13760 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Union Endicott High School
1200 East Main Street
Endicott, NY US 13760


As expected, we received the final word that we will not be able to host a live event this year. With 1 week before the H13 was scheduled to take place, we have moved to Plan C.

As many of you know, the Halloween 13k event is a fundraiser that supports Team HopeFull. We created this non profit to help people with Prader-WIlli Syndrome as our oldest daughter, Ellie, has PWS and Autism. 

Ellie has been working hard training to run a portion of the H13 this year. She is running for us since we can’t. 

She will be running on Halloween in Endicott dressed in costume. Our family will run with her, along with some of the kids in our neighborhood, to show our support. 

Wait until you see their costumes!!! It will be historic... I promise!! 

We would love YOUR support as well. 

Here are the ways that you can still participate in the Halloween 13k and help support Ellie and others with special needs. 

Make a donation 


Register to run a virtual H13                       

Virtual runners will be able to choose from an H13 mug, an H13 winter hat an H13 fleece jacket (sizes are limited) or an H13 hoodie sweatshirt (sizes are limited). 

Send us a picture of you running in costume and you’ll be entered into our costume competition too!!! 

All giveaways are first registered, first served so register soon before we run out. We have less than 150 giveaways. 






Race Contact Info

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