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Taiwanese American Helping Hands Virtual Walk and Run

Fri July 3 - Mon July 6


Anywhere you want! It's a virtual event.


Taiwanese American Helping Hands Virtual Walk and Run is a free event, hosted by Taiwanese American Next Generation (TANG).

The Walk is exactly what it sounds like - just a walk. It's a relaxing activity for all ages with no distance or time requirements. Just get out there and enjoy the outdoors! The Run is a full effort exercise that is self-timed via smart watch or friend/family (honor system) and consists of two distances: 1 Mile and 5K (3.1 miles). Participants in the Run are encouraged to still abide by social distancing and masking guidelines. During the Run, it is okay to walk or rest. It is not a requirement to run the entire Run distance.

We will be asking participants to submit pictures and videos of their Walk and Run. This will be shared with other participants and a recap video will be created. More details to come for those that register.  

The goal of this event is to bring together our Taiwanese American community even though we are physically apart. Feel free to invite any Taiwanese American or friends to participate. This is an open event. Oh, did we mention this event is free?

“Walk and Run” events are a great way to advocate and fundraise for a cause. We are inspired by Taiwan and the #TaiwanCanHelp movement. Taiwan's extraordinary efforts to contain the coronavirus is an inspiration to the world. It has given Taiwan a platform and position to help others. We are following Taiwan’s lead and believe we too can lend “Helping Hands” to the communities here at home. We are asking participants for donations and have selected Taiwanese Association of America-USA’s “Love Covers US All" fundraiser to be the recipient of this year’s donations. TAA-USA's goal is to raise $100,000 to provide necessary PPE to our front-line workers. PPE (more specifically protective coveralls and isolation gowns) will be directly supplied from Taiwan. If you want to donate and avoid fees, please go to and submit a google form for in the donation method select "Other" and "Paypal Giving Fund - TANG". You can also learn more about the fundraiser by going to TAA-USA’s webpage.

To be clear, donations are not required to participate in the event (still free) and please don't feel compelled to contribute if you are not financially able. 

「台美人下一代」Taiwanese American Next Generation (TANG) 主辦「台美逗腳手」步行和慢跑的網路串連活動,邀請大家逗陣來參與。

所謂「步行」就是散步。 無論你是幾歲,這絕對是一個輕鬆、沒有時間或距離限制的活動,只要到走出戶外就能完成活動!咱也會使「慢跑」,但必須全力以赴。可以運用智慧手錶,或者由親友幫你計時,絕對要誠實喔。有1英里和5K(3.1英里)兩種組別。阮需要懇請參與者在跑步中,仍然保持社交距離,及遵守戴口罩的防疫規定。在跑步過程中,您若想要換成走路,或偶爾停下休息都可以,並不需要全程都是跑步。


這次活動的目的是要凝聚咱台美人社團的向心力,即使咱都分散在美國各地。阮誠懇邀請美國各地區的台美人以及咱的親朋好友作伙來參加。 這是公開活動,所以參加後你的運動就不再是秘密。 哦,大家甘是攏知,這個活動是免費的?

「台美逗腳手」活動受到台灣援助國際的啟發,就是愛推廣#TaiwanCanHelp運動。台灣在防止冠狀病毒疫情所表現的打拼精神,互這個世界一個真好的模範。透過這個活動,阮向望學習台灣防疫的精神與成果,提供一個幫助別人的平台和角色。跟隨著台灣的腳步,相信阮也通向美國社區「逗脚手」,回饋社會。阮從心底向望所有參與者發揮恁的愛心,踴躍捐款,所以阮選擇與全美台灣同鄉會所主辦的 “Love Covers US All”募款活動合作,成做活動的捐款對象。全美台灣同鄉會(TAA-USA)的募款目標是100,000美元,目的是為著咱在第一線防疫作戰的醫護人員募捐,來購買必要的個人防護裝備PPE,也就是防護衣和隔離衣。這些產品是直接由台灣認證合格的廠商製造提供的,並且用最快速的運送,產地直送到美國。




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