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The Mommy Dash Virtual Run/Walk to Support Sparrow's Nest

Mon June 8 - Mon August 31 Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 US Directions

Race Website

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Your choice!
Hopewell Junction, NY US 12533


Pop Quiz!

What is our FAVORITE day of the year?

Our birthdays? Christmas? Last day of school?

Good guesses...

But the correct answer is...The Annual Mommy Dash 5K Run/Walk. We have hosted this event for the past 5 years on the Dutchess County Rail Trail and hands down, it is the most magical day- rain or shine, it is filled with family fun, friendship and so much positive energy you feel like unicorns are just going to come bursting out of the woods at any moment. Well, that may be a bit overkill, but seriously, it's an amazing day. Over the past 5 years we have raised over $20,000 for Sparrow's Nest and although this year things are way different, the show must go on!

We have all spent many months inside, not being able to leave our houses as per usual, not going to the gym, not sticking to our routines, and perhaps (if you're like us...) baking many batches of cookies, indulging in chips and salsa and enjoying more glasses of wine than usual.

Now that the weather is beautiful, what better excuse to get moving than The Mommy Dash Virtual Run/Walk!?!  

Here are the details:

  • All races are virtual. You can run or walk on the road, on the trails, on a treadmill, in your neighborhood- wherever and however works best for you! 
  • Choose your distance! A 5K is 3.1 miles and a 10K is 6.2 miles. 
  • Kids are welcome to register for half price...they can run, walk, scooter or bike! However you want to get everyone moving!
  • There are no time limits and no competition...the fact that you are moving and donating to support this amazing local charity is all that matters!
  • Complete your activity any time between now and August 31 and post a pic on the event page with the hashtag #mommydashing! 

Race Contact Info

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