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Virtual Vert

Mon June 1 - Tue June 30 Ithaca, NY 14852 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Never mind distance, we know what you really want , VERT!  Who doesn't love collecting some sweet vertical on their runs?  Sure, you can go out and run 20 miles, but what's the point if it's all flat?   Select your vert cap and sign up!   Wanna collect 10k? 50k? 100k?  You've got a month to collect all that vert, so pick one that is challenging, OR - wait, pick a couple! $10 off each multiple distance you pick.  

Over the entire month of June this challenge will allow you to collect your vert!  Then earn a sweet shirt and medal!  Starting June 1st you'll be able to log in and collect some vertical over however many miles you want!   Sound fun?  Let's get it! 

What do you get? 

  • SWEET SHIRT - You'll get your shirt before you start - but we suggest giving it to a loved one so they can give it to you when you're done, like those things we use to do,  we  think they were called races?
  • BIB-  so you can pin it on while you're running, remember races? 
  • MEDAL -  A medal to strap around your neck and walk around your house, telling everyone how awesome you are. 

Race to the top (well, of your top) starts June 1st.  Log back in every run and log in how much vert you've collected that run.  

You DO NOT have to get all the vert in one day. The purpose of this challenge is to collect it over the month. So if you go out and run 6 miles with 650ft of vert on it June  1st,  you enter that and then June 2nd go out and find some more vert! 

Join us on Strava - here- > CLICK! 

You have the entire month to sign up, run, and collect Vert.  


** we'll start mailing out packets on our about June 1, hopefully sooner. 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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