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Virtual Wild Turkey Challenge

Sat November 21 - Sun November 29 Jamestown, NY 14701 US Directions

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Audubon Community Nature Center
1600 Riverside Road
Jamestown, NY US 14701


Run off some Thanksgiving excess at the Audubon’s Virtual Wild Turkey Trot! Audubon will set up a marked 5k course, but you can run it anywhere at any time from the Saturday before Thanksgiving until the Sunday after. 

T-shirts will be printed locally by Sideline Sports and mailed to participants after the race. Submit your race times online before the end of the day on November 30. 

Because this year's race is virtual, we are making the t-shirt an optional add on in the registration. If you want to buy a shirt from the race, it will be $15.00 additional as an add on and mailed after the race.

Take the Wild Turkey Trot Challenge to a whole new level. You can run a 5k or 10k race at Audubon or anywhere else. However, you also have the challenge to run a half marathon or marathon challenge over the eight days of the race. Think of it as running off half of Thanksgiving dinner or all of Thanksgiving dinner over the course of the week. Report your times and distances online to show that you completed the challenges. 

Your running in this race does more than keep you in shape and accomplishing goals. It also supports the six miles of trails at the Audubon Community Nature Center and the community of people that use them. 


 An additional thank you to Audubon’s Community Partners:

 Curt and Susie Westrom

Bob and Kathy Frucella
Carnahan-Jackson Foundation
Chautauqua Region Community Foundation
Holmberg Foundation
Hultquist Foundation
Jessie Smith Darrah Fund
Lenna Foundation
Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
Whirley- DrinkWorks!

Bush Industries Inc
Chautauqua Lake and Watershed Management Alliance
Hal and Mary Conarro
Jan Simons Boyle
Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo
Metallic Ladder Manufacturing Corporation

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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