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Lockport XC Reunion

Fri October 7 - Sun October 9 Lockport, NY 14094 US Directions

Lockport XC Champs Reunion

Lockport XC Davidson Road Inn Welcome

10/07 6:00PM EDT - 11:00PM EDT

Lockport XC Reunion Gothic Hill Par 3 Golf Outing

10/09 9:00AM EDT - 12:00PM EDT


Lockport High School
250 Lincoln Ave
Lockport, NY US 14094


Lockport XC Reunion of over 50 years of Lockport XC Teams honoring:

  • 1972 & 1973 NY State XC Championship Teams!
  • Special recognition of the World Record setting 1968 100 Mile Relay Team, comprised of 8 LSHS runners.
  • All Lockport XC Teams are celebrating the history of the Lions Harriers!
  • Silent Auction XC Scholarship Fund Raiser
  • Ronald C. Main & Deborah L. Qualiana Franco Scholarship Awards

Questions? 716.444.7666

Hotel Special Rates: LSHS XC Champs (call hotel direct for discounted rate)

Silent Auction Rules:  Starts at 5:30pm   Final Bid 6:45pm   Min increments $10.   Winners will be announced following Ceremony   Winners must pick up their items after payment and show confirmation, Good Luck!


XC Reunion Contact Info

If you have any questions about this XC Reunion, please contact the XC Reunion director at



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