Marietta, NY US 13110
Welcome Back and we look forward to seeing you so soon! Thank you for participating in "Miles for Melanoma" -- our 2nd annual run/walk/bike-a-thon to raise awareness for ocular melanoma and share Kristen O'Hara's story! 9:30am Saturday June 3rd our family will be hosting an in-person 5k event on Otisco Lake, or feel free to sign up and join remotely. Last year it was amazing to see all the participants across the country sharing on Instagram and Facebook. We can't wait to kick off the opening of our family lake house with so many loved ones!
An outdoor celebration will follow for those who participate in person, as a thank-you for your support. If you choose to participate remotely, make sure to tag pictures with hashtag #faithforkristen and tag @milesformelanoma!
If you or someone you know would like to be a company sponsor of the event or a day-of volunteer, please reach out to Maggie O'Hara for details.
In June 2020, Kristen's journey with cancer began. What was thought to be standard cataract surgery became a tumor behind her left eye -- uveal melanoma. After rounds of radiation under the care of Wills Eye Center in Philadelphia, the cancer caused Kristen to lose her eye. The cancer has since metastasized to her liver, and Kristen had spent a year doing immunoembolization and radiaton of the liver. The cancer since has spread to her bones and she will be in weekly Kimmtrak treatments for life. The growth in her spine is being monitored monthly and the good news is, she hasn't yet needed to begin radiation for her bones.
We are SO excited to come together with friends, family and supporters, in Otisco Lake or remotely to support this cause. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your continued support.