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iEARN USA’s Virtual 5K

Sat May 15 - Mon May 31 NEW YORK, NY 10115-0087 US


NEW YORK, NY US 10115-0087


No matter where you live or how you race, you can participate in the Virtual 5K anytime between May 15th and May 31st.   Run with us to build a more interconnected, peaceful, and just world.  

Funds raised will support iEARN’s work to build a more interconnected, peaceful, and just world by connecting and empowering young people around the world to make positive change in their communities. No matter where you live or how you race, you can participate in the Virtual 5K anytime between May 1st and May 31st. Together, we will go the distance for children everywhere!

This year, we honor the memory and legacy of the late Dr. Tonya S. Muro, iEARN-USA’s Executive Director from January 1, 2016, until March 5, 2018. Celebrating her birthday on May 31st, we pay tribute to the impact she has made on this organization. Tonya led with her heart forward, and believed in the power of relationship and connecting youth across cultures. After high school, she spent a year of service in Colombia and Costa Rica. She received her B.A. in primary education and Spanish from the University of Massachusetts (Amherst). She went on to earn an Ed.D. and M.A. in International Educational Development from Columbia University’s Teachers College, where she was a U.S. Fulbright scholar in Tanzania. Tonya spent more than 15 years working in the field of global education as a practitioner and educator. She was the embodiment of student advocacy and intercultural exchange, and we want to carry that torch. 

This May, we race for students learning apart and educators feeling disconnected from their classrooms. iEARN-USA believes in the power of global education and student exchange, and we invite you to help us further that mission with the STEPS you take! Join us as we celebrate  Dr. Tonya S. Muro and her passion in student’s international learning experience. Let’s go the distance!


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