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KKR Wellness Works 2020 Virtual 5K Turkey Trot (Draft)

Thu November 26 - Sun November 29
This Race is in Draft Mode
Join the KKR fun, raise money for a great cause and compete with colleagues around the globe!


We may be apart but we can still run together! Introducing the 1st Annual KKR Virtual 5K Turkey Trot! Before you settle into football, dig into dinner or fall into a food coma, join the KKR fun on the U.S. Thanksgiving Weekend (Thu Nov. 26 - Sun Nov. 29) and:

  • Compete with colleagues around the US in a virtual 5K.
  • Raise money for a good cause (just by completing the race).
  • Earn the chance to win bragging rights and prizes.

What you need to know!

  • Easy registration — open now!
  • Receive a digital bib to print and wear during your race.
  • Run/walk from any location you choose any time during the U.S. Thanksgiving weekend (Thu Nov. 26 - Sun Nov. 29).
  • Run/walk on your own or with a group.
  • Post your results (and see colleagues' results) right here online.
  • The three fastest competitors will receive prizes (more information below).
  • Post photos to this site or social media using #KKRVirtualTurkeyTrot2020 for the chance to win additional prizes.

Since food insecurity has been a challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic, KKR Wellness Works will be raising money for World Central Kitchen. For every KKR employee who signs up, KKR Wellness Works will donate $20 on their behalf and an additional $20 if they recruit friends and family. Give thanks while giving your support. The world is counting on each other.

Run from anywhere during Thanksgiving weekend!

Make it fun, dress up, recruit your family & friends, show us your pics! This year, you don't even have to "trot" on Thanksgiving. Walk/run anytime between Thanksgiving Day and the end of the weekend on Sunday, Nov. 29. As long as you submit your results by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. ET in the Results tab above, your participation will be counted.

Choose your race style!

There are two KKR races to choose from — choose the one that best suits your moods & circumstances! The important part is getting out there. Once you click Register at the top of the page, you'll be prompted to choose your race.

  • Competitive Run For the KKR elite runners looking to challenge themselves! Prizes awarded to top 3 finishers.
  • Fun Walk/Run For individuals or groups of family and friends who want to move and work up a sweat at their own pace. Strollers, scooters and tike bikes encouraged!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

  1. Sign up using your KKR email address! For every participant, KKR will donate $X (plus an additional donation of $20 on behalf of each employee who recruits friends and family). See below for information on how to sign up your friends and family members.
  2. Plan your race at some point between Thanksgiving and Sunday, Nov. 29 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
  3. Submit your results on the race website under the Results tab above by Nov. 29 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Who can participate in the KKR Wellness Works 2020 Virtual Turkey Trot?

We encourage all KKR employees (and their friends and families) to join in the fun. This is a perfect event for the whole gang to enjoy from the comfort of your own neighborhoods and time zones at your own pace! 

How do my friends and family members sign up?

When you register, there will be an option to add Additional Registrants. Please use this option to sign up any of your personal friends or family members..

What do you get?

  • All participants will receive a digital bib upon registration. We encourage you to print and snap a photo of you wearing it during the race.
  • KKR will donate $20 on behalf of each participant who completes the race/submits their time.
  • There will be additional charity donations made on behalf of those who recruit friends and family.
  • There will be prizes for the Competitive Run winners in the form of charity donations or local business support (reimbursement).
  • There will be additional prizes for a few spirited individuals/groups who show us their Thanksgiving, Turkey Trot or KKR pride in the Photos section (costumes, crazy routes, family or neighborhood spirit, etc.).

Who is the beneficiary?

Proceeds will go to World Central Kitchen. (More information below.)

How do I submit results?

Every participant is required to submit their time manually. You can to do so by either going to the Results tab above and entering your results or to the Find a Participant tab and searching for your name/information.

How do I see who else is participating?

Go to the Find a Participant tab and search their name/information.

How do I post photos? Are they private?

  • To upload photos, go to the Photos tab on either your desktop or phone and search and select or drag and drop.
  • Photos will be organized by name and bib number. You can search other participants to see their photos, too.
  • You can also share yours or others' photos on your personal Facebook pages directly from the Photos tab. If you do, you may use the hashtag #KKRVirtualTurkeyTrot2020 to create a fun social thread.
  • Disclaimer: This is a public website and any photos uploaded will be published and searchable. If you are not comfortable publishing personal photos to the internet, no problem — this is not a requirement, just an additional fun feature. 


WCK is working across America during the COVID-19 pandemic to safely distribute individually packaged, fresh meals in communities that need support – for children and families to pick up and take home, as well as delivery to seniors who cannot venture outside. To date, WCK has provided over 30 million meals in more than 400 cities.

Traditional safety nets like school feeding programs, city services, and food banks are struggling to meet basic needs. Seniors, who are isolated for their safety, are unable to access meal services. Meanwhile, the country’s hospital workers are more stretched than ever before.

WCK is also partnering with restaurants to help meet this demand by providing jobs for their staff and meals for those in need. #ChefsForAmerica is making a key connection between people who need meals and restaurant workers and drivers who need to earn a living.

Winners & Prizes

Charity Donation

  • For every KKR employee who completes the race/submits their time, KKR Wellness Works will donate $X amount to a charity up to $X.
  • For every KKR employee who gets friends and family to join, we will add $TK to the donation pot.
  • Help us reach our $TK goal by sharing the race page with colleagues upon registration.

Competitive Run Prizes | IMPORTANT: To qualify for prizes in the Competitive Run category, all runners registered must submit a photo of their course and time. Here are a few recommended apps from which you can take a screenshot, or feel free to use any other app you prefer.

  • 1st Place - $500 to a charity of choice or equivalent amount to support local business (in the form a reimbursement).
  • 2nd Place - $250 to a charity of choice or equivalent amount to support local business (in the form a reimbursement).
  • 3rd Place - $100 to a charity of choice or equivalent amount to support local business (in the form a reimbursement).

Additional Prizes

  • Show us your Thanksgiving, Turkey Trot or KKR spirit in the Photos tab (costumes, crazy routes, festive pets, family or neighborhood spirit, etc.)! Additional prizes will be awarded to a few spirited KKR runners.

Looking for a running app?

Use your own preferred running app or try one of these expert-recommended apps below!

Looking for a running route? Create your own or check out one of these sites to see if there are any trails or user-submitted routes near you.



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

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