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Soraya's 50th Birthday 10K & Half Marathon

Sun January 17 - Sat January 30 Northport, NY 11768 US Directions


Laurel Ave. School
158 Laurel Avenue
Northport, NY US 11768



Join me as I celebrate my 50th Birthday by running a 10K or Half Marathon on Sunday, Jan. 17, 2021. 11am. Feel free to run this race virtually (wherever you are) or with me in person, in Northport. We will be running the Cow Harbor Race route. We will start in front of Laurel Ave. School and end at Sand City Brewery, Northport. Weather and COVID-19 guidelines permitting, we will toast with a beer outdoors when done. Half Marathon will run the route twice.

Note: I am a Volunteer for the Central American Refugee Center (CARECEN). For my birthday this year, I am asking that you join me in supporting CARECEN's mission to empower immigrant communities in Long Island with a gift toward the work of advocacy, legal services, and community programming for immigrant families. 

Your contribution will make a direct impact on the lives of families in our community. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has left immigrant and refugee Long Islanders more vulnerable than most. As our families, friends, and neighbors, continue to recover from these unprecedented public health and economic challenges, together, we can bring them the hope. 

Whether you donate $5 or $50, every little bit will help.



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Cow Harbor Race Route

See jpg below for the route. 1 loop is 10k, 2 loops for the half marathon.



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