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2nd Annual Cub Scout Color Crawl---CANCELLED

Sat October 17, 2020 Portville, NY 14770 US Directions


Cub Scout Color Crawl

11:00AM EDT - 1:00PM EDT


Little League Park
49 N. Main St.
Portville, NY US 14770


Cub Scout Color Crawl is a 5K color run/walk/crawl located in the heart of the village of Portville.   Throughout the event there will be a minimum of  5 color stations to make sure you are colored from head to toe adding to the fun of the course.  This is a non-timed event and participants of all skill levels and ages are welcome. 

All participants who register prior to 10/2 will be guaranteed a race day t-shirt, individual color packet, and race bib.

All proceeds from the race will benefit Cub Scout Pack 631 and provide for us the ability to fund activities and help the Pack toward it's ultimate goal of aiding all active scouts in their ability to attend summer camp.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

Water Station

Valued Sponsors


MapMyRun Map


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