Poughkeepsie, NY US 12601
Join us on Wednesday 5/17 at 6 pm as our friends from Mizuno will be here for a demo run featuring the Wave Rider, Wave Inspire, and Wave Sky models. The run coincides with the release of the limited edition Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF)^ Wave Rider 27. Mizuno donates $25,000 annually regardless of the number of pairs sold to the BCRF to support ProjectZERO. One in 8 women is currently diagnosed with breast cancer and the goal of projectZERO is to bring that number down to zero. Read more about the BCRF & Mizuno partnership below.
The run is a flexible distance 5K (or shorter) around our shopping center.
There will be drinks, snacks, raffle prizes, and fun! Demo shoes are first come first serve starting at 5:30 pm. This is a free event but pre-registration is required.
That evening will also be the perfect opportunity to check out our #reasonswerun mural and challenge, which is sponsored by Mizuno for the month of May. All you have to do is:
* Take your picture in front of our #reasonswerun mural (the front window of Fleet Feet Poughkeepsie)
* Post the picture on Instagram and/or Facebook and tell us your reasons for running using the hashtag #ReasonsWeRun
* Tag us in your post so that you can be entered into our raffle
One lucky winner will receive:
* $50 in Fleet Feet Bucks
* One pair of Mizuno shoes (from select models)
* A Mizuno t-shirt
^BCRF is proud to partner with Mizuno USA since 2017. Through their #projectzero campaign, each October Mizuno is helping to bring breast cancer incidence from 1 in 8 to 0 in 8. With a line of BCRF-supporting men's and women's sneakers and accessories, they are fueling our mission and funding critical research. This year, Mizuno USA donated $25,000 regardless of sales. With over $200,000 contributed to date, Mizuno USA is spreading the message of our mission, supporting the breast cancer community, and committing critical funds that help save lives and improve outcomes. To learn more, please click here.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.