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ROC/BUF Fleet Feet Spring Training 2021 - Virtual / Hybrid

Mon May 10 - Sat July 3 Rochester, NY 14580 US Directions


155 Culver Road, suite 110 or 2290 Delaware Ave in Buffalo
Rochester, NY US 14580


Fleet Feet Spring Training 2021
Begins Monday, May 10th through July 3rd


Train virtually or hybrid through the spring with the support and camaraderie of Fleet Feet!

Choose from the following progams:

  • No Boundaries Lite 5K for runners and walkers
  • Beginner Half Marathon for runners and walkers
  • Advanced Half Marathon for runners and walkers

This programming is for everyone! All training plans are flexible and designed specifically for runners or walkers. 

We are offering:

  • Virtual - virtual training only
  • Hybrid - virtual training with in person coached workouts on Wednesday's at 6PM (Fleet Feet @ The Armory in Rochester only) 

These 9 week programs will get you race or fitness ready for any virtual events or personal training goals.

All participants will receive an effective and well organized training experience with coaches, online training schedule & log, emails & instructional information, virtual educational clinics, access to your virtual coaches via email or Facebook, membership to a private Facebook training group page, and accountability! Details for your workout will be laid out in your very own training log that will be emailed to you daily.

We strongly recommend that you have had prior training before entering the Half Marathon Programs and that you have access to a Facebook account.  For the No Boundaries Lite 5K beginner program - no running or walking experience necessary. Recommended weekly mileage for the half marathon programs: 10-15+ miles per week. 

Program start / end date - Monday, May 10th - July 3rd, 2021
Duration - 9 weeks

Program Includes:

  • 9 week event specific training program
  • Four zoom session to cover key training information 7pm on the following Tuesdays. 5/11: Getting started, safety and gear overview. 5/25: Hydration and fueling, 6/8: Injury prevention, stretching rolling and massage. 6/22: How to prepare for race day and move forward after training.
  • Workoutlog account
  • Facebook page for camaraderie
  • Print out to track progress - color as you go
  • Motivation, support, advice and education from the coach
  • Special program shopping days
  • Detailed workout information
  • Hybrid Program Only - Coached workout on Wednesdays at Fleet Feet @ The Armory (155 Culver Rd., Rochester 14620) 6:00pm-7:00pm** - Hybrid only
    • Please Note: In Person Workouts will follow our COVID-19 Protocols denoted below

Sorry no refunds 

Need help selecting a training program? Contact our Training Program Coordinator Kate - or

Learn more here

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Covid-19 Guidelines for In Person Workouts

All participants must read and agree to waiver and that you agree to all of the following below:

  • You have not tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days
  • You have not shown symptoms for Covid-19 in the last 14 days
  • You have not been around anyone who tested positive or showing symptoms for Covid-19 in the last 14 days
  • You do not currently have a fever above 100 degrees
  • You agree to stay home if you are not feeling well
  • You will wear a mask when not socially distanced from others other than while exercising
  • Possess a positive and happy mental attitude!!
  • Be prepared to answer these questions when you arrive.

Check in and gathering will take place outside of Fleet Feet and we will remain 6 feet apart from each other.  Masks required as we gather before and after the workout. Please bring your own water.

We cordially request that you adhere to all our safety guidelines and we reserve the right to deny entry to the group workout should protocols not be followed.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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