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Setting the Pace 5K

Fri April 11, 2014 Rochester, NY 14623 US Directions


5K Run

6:00PM EDT

5K Walk

6:00PM EDT


Monroe Community College, 1000 E Henrietta Rd
Rochester, NY US 14623


Emergency Nurses Association invites you to participate in the 1st annual Setting the Pace 5K Run/Walk.
Proceeds raise money for the New York State Emergency Nurses Assosciation 9/11 Scholarship Endowment Fund. The fund sponsors two individuals a year from and EMS, Fire, Police, or Public Safety Communications background with a $2500 scholarship to apply toward pursuing a career as a Registered Nurse.
The 5K race will be held at Monroe Community College on April 11, 2014 at 06:00 PM with race logistics by YellowJacket Racing.

05:30 PM: Registration
06:00 PM: Run/Walk Begins

Entry Fee Includes:
o Registration
o T-Shirt (first 200 registrants guaranteed a t-shirt)
Awards will be given to the top male/female finishers in each age group.

Packet pick up can occur at Fleet Feet Sports at the Armory, located at 155 Culver Rd, Suite 100 on April 10th from 11 AM-7PM or on race day at MCC starting at 5:30 PM.

Pre-Registration (by April 1st)$22.00
Check: Payable to NYENA
30 Baier Drive
Rochester, NY 14606

After April 1, 2014 $25.00 fee:
In person at Fleet Feet Sports
On race day at MCC by 05:30 PM
Rain or Shine, fee non-refundable

Emergency Nurses Association
Genesee Valley Chapter

Dawn MacMullen, RN, ADN, CEN, EMT-P, CCEMTP
Chair NYS 9/11 Scholarship Endowment Fund 5K Race
President GVENA
Cell: 585-737-0035

Race Contact Info

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