Sayville, NY US 11782
This year we will be offering supported runs at Sunken Meadow on Tuesdays. The runs are for runners of all abilities and guided by our own staff of XC Runners & Coaches. Earn a Summer XC Training tech T-Shirt by coming to more than half of the training runs. There will be 7 total runs, you must attend 4 or more to earn a shirt.
Tuesday at Sunken Meadow Picnic Area 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13 & 8/20 at 6 pm
On Thursdays at Sayville Running Company we are offering coaches a spot to have their team meet and go for a training run. Staff will be present to answer any questions. Suggested routes are available but runners are free to run their own route.
Thursday at Sayville Running Company 7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15 & 8/22 at 6 pm
Sayville & Smithtown Running Co Summer XC Training
Open to all High School, College and Alumni Cross Country Runners & Coaches. Track your training and celebrate your progress all summer long. When runners join our Summer XC Training, they will log their runs, accumulate mileage, and earn their Summer Mileage Club as they hit 200 mile, 300 mile and 400 mile milestones.
Join the Club!
Who Can Participate?
Any high school, college and alumni XC runners and coaches.
Does Participation Cost Anything?
No, participation in the Sayville & Smithtown Running Co Summer XC Training is completely FREE for all runners. There will be an option to donate to our Suffolk County Cross Country Scholarship Fund.
Which Miles Count?
All running miles, as long as they are logged onto results page. Once registered go to the results tab along the top of page: Hit the "Submit Virtual Results" button, find your name, hit the "log activities" button, enter the details of your run and hit "submit activity". There is a delay when entering your activities, please only submit each run once.
When does the Sayville & Smithtown Running Co Summer XC Training take place?
Begins Monday, June 17th and ends Sunday, August 25th. 10 weeks total to accumulate your mileage for your selected summer mileage club.
What are the Sayville & Smithtown Running Co Summer XC Training Rules?
Be honest when entering your miles and train consistently and smart all summer long!
Is There Anything to Win?
If you attend 4 or more meet ups at Sunken Meadow you will receive a Summer XC Training Tech Tee.
Have questions about the Sayville & Smithtown Running Co Summer XC Training club?
Reach out to
In Person Meet Ups
This year we will be offering supported runs at Sunken Meadow on Tuesdays. The runs are for runners of all abilities and guided by our own staff of XC Runners & Coaches. Earn a Summer XC Training tech T-Shirt by coming to more than half of the training runs. There will be 7 total runs, you must attend 4 or more to earn a shirt.
Tuesday at Sunken Meadow Picnic Area Field 4
7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6, 8/13 & 8/20 at 6 pm
Runners will run a 3 mile loop over the XC course with options of running it 1, 2 or 3 times for desired distance.
Garmin 3 Mile Map
Strava 3 Mile Map
Due to construction on the bridge we may have to use this loop. Alternate Loop
There will be 7 total runs at Sunken Meadow, you must attend 4 or more to earn a shirt.
Thursday at Sayville Running Company - 19 Main St Sayville
7/11, 7/18, 7/25, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15 & 8/22 at 6 pm
Runners suggested routes of 3, 5 or 7 miles. Feel free to add the routes to your Garmin watch following the links below.
3 Mile Loop
5 Mile Loop
7 Mile Loop
Summer Training Plans
Unsure what to run over the Summer to prepare for Cross Country season? Coach Mike has devised a beginner, intermediate and advanced training plan to help you train this Summer.
These plans are meant for runners that have no guidance for Summer training. They are not meant to be used instead of plans supplied by your coach. Your coach knows you and the training of their programs the best. Please follow what coach has planned for your Summer training.
Background on Coach Mike
Coach Michael Petrina coaches our Distance Training Program for adults. He has been running for 24 years as a competitive High School, College and Open Runner. His coaching resume is full of experience on several different levels: self-coach, High School XC and Track Coach for 7 years at St. John the Baptist, individual coaching for 14 years and heading the DTP since the Fall of 2013. He has completed 6 Marathons (Steamtown, LI Marathon, Boston x2, NYC and MCM), plenty of Half Marathons and numerous other races, ranging from the mile up to an ultra. With knowledge and influence from his college coach Andy Ronan, reading (Daniels Formula, Hansons Method & Pfitzinger), seminars (Villanova Day of Distance Coaching) and his own experience he has developed a program that will get you to the finish line faster and with less effort.
Beginner Summer Training Plan
The beginner plan is meant for new runners or runners returning to running after a long lay off. Your training will introduce you to strides for the first half of the Summer and then 1 workout & a long run for the second half, with your mileage peaking at 30 miles. You will be running 5-6x a week.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Intermediate Summer Training Plan
The intermediate plan is for runners looking to take the next step up in their training. This plan is for you if you are thinking of taking your training seriously for the first time. Your training will introduce you to 1 workout and a long run per week, with your mileage peaking at 35-40 miles. You will be running 6x a week.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Advanced Summer Training Plan
The advanced training plan is for Juniors and Seniors that want to be at the top of their races. They would like to compete in college or just entering their Freshman year of college. Your training will have 2 workouts a week and a long run, the weekly mileage tops out at 55. You will be running 6-7x per week.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

How To Enter Your Runs
Once registered go to the results tab along the top of page:
Hit the "Submit Virtual Results" button:
Find your name & hit the "log activities" button:
Enter the details of your run and hit "submit activity":
There is a delay when entering your activities, please only submit each run once.
Earn Your Digital Badge
10 weeks to accumulate your mileage for your selected summer mileage club.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.