112 Pickard Dr E
Syracuse, NY US 13208
Tables Open at 7:30PM / Card Games Begin Promptly at 8PM
Play 5 games to 11 round robin tourney. May be capped to 30 Min. Rounds depending on entry numbers. Record and then total points will be used as a tie breaker. Top 8 teams advance to the playoff, where the best out of 3 advance to the championship match. 4 Players to a table, two teams of two. Partners can be made ahead of time or you can be paired on sire at 7:30pm. High card deals first. Cards are always dealt to the left of the dealer. If everyone passes at the table, the dealer is stuck with 2 and must play their cards. No 10 and under or draw. Whoever has the most points after the 30 min. time frame wins. During play, once a trick has been taken, cards go face down – no peeking after next card hits the table. $1 penalty for every setting bid. Point penalties for reneging. Cash money for top 4 teams, payouts depending on entries. $25 per person, $50 per team due by 7:30PM at PAC Bar
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