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Trails & Ales

Thu June 3, 2021 Victor, NY 14564 US Directions


Trails & Ales

6:00PM EDT - 7:00PM EDT


237 High Street Ext.
Victor, NY US 14564


Trails & Ales Free Group Trail Run/Walk is here with new safety procedures and regulations. 

Trails & Ales @ Fleet Feet Victor
Thursdays at 6:00 pm.  Check in Starts at 5:30 pm
Registration is Required

Each week registration opens on Monday at 12:00pm. It closes on Thursday at 5:00pm. You MUST be registered to participate. 

Trails & Ales is a trail workout that you can walk or run. We start at 6PM and you must be back by 7PM. The route is typically 3 miles out and back.

All participants must read and agree to waiver and that you agree to all of the following below:

You have not tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 14 days
You have not shown symptoms for Covid-19 in the last 14 days
You have not been around anyone who tested positive or showing symptoms for Covid-19 in the last 14 days
You do not currently have a fever above 100 degrees
You agree to stay home if you are not feeling well
You will wear a mask when not socially distanced from others other than while exercising.

Be prepared to answer these questions when you arrive.

Check in and gathering will take place outside only and we will remain 6 feet apart from each other.  Masks required as we gather before and after the workout.

Optional Ales at The Farm House Brewery to follow. They have a new outdoor back patio and are open until 9pm.

We cordially request that you adhere to all our safety guidelines and we reserve the right to deny entry to the group workout should protocols not be followed.

 Questions - contact Kate. 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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