Spicy 10K Obstacle Course
Sorry! This event is full. Price increases after March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Spicy 5K Obstacle Course
Kids 1K Race ages 8 to 12
Kids 1K Race ages 5 to 7
Spicy "HOT" Weekend Bundle Pass- 6 hour, 5K, and 10K
Sorry! This event is full. Price increases after March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Spicy "MILD" Sunday Bundle Pass- 5K and 10K
Sorry! This event is full. Price increases after March 31, 2025 at 11:59pm EDT
Wallkill, NY US 12589
Our first event for 2025 to get you ready for race season ! Plus we are bringing some Spice to the finish line
Welcome athletes and Wonderlanders! SPICY SPRING 5K and 10K event Obstacle Wonderland
A "Spicy" themed 5k-10k Obstacle Course Race ! Come out have fun and even compete!! Always a family fun time for every fitness level!
We appreciate and admire everyone who will be out there enjoying our "grassroots" style obstacle course! We’ve grown into what we are today by word of mouth, so if you have a great time, tell a friend! Post about us online! We appreciate the support and are proud to give athletes a space of their own in the Hudson Valley.
Race photos! Post Race snacks !
Ok let's talk about the race!
5k Course - Approx 20 obstacles, lots of race photos and a finisher medal
10k Course Course - 26+ obstacles, lots of race photos and a finisher medal
Medals and Swag
Parking Guide
Parking Guide
Please follow the signs for " EVENT PARKING" A volunteer will direct you
Please BACK into parking spots!!
Runners Registration
Our check-in process is simple! At center-field, you'll see the red registration banner- one of our volunteers will check you in and provide you with a color-coded wristband.
Red wristbands-10K
Blue wristbands- 5K
Kids- Yellow
These wristbands will help volunteers direct you at the starting line and accordingly throughout the day and they will ensure you get your " swag bag " and metal!
Visitors and Spectators
Visitors & Spectators
Coming to watch the show? Spectators are always welcome! Our venue offers a clear view of virtually all obstacles from almost any spot on the main field. All spectators must sign a waiver and be given a yellow wristband upon arrival. For your safety, our participating athletes, and our field staff, ALL visitors must sign a waiver.
If you think you'll have spectators with you, please go to our website and submit your waiver ahead of time!
Guests are welcome to bring a chair and observe the race from the top of the field. For everyone’s safety, spectators are not permitted on or through the course at any time. Please do not walk through the field.
Our Field
Our Field
Obstacle Wonderland has a unique layout with all main obstacles spaced appropriately across one field. Trails wind throughout the back portion of the main field in an all-terrain circuit. Spectators are asked to keep off the course while the event is in session for their safety and the safety of athletes.
PLEASE RECOGNIZE YOUR LIMITS! While we encourage everyone to challenge themselves and pursue their OCR goals at Obstacle Wonderland, we ask that you be mindful of safety and listen to your body as you navigate the course. There’s no shame in taking breaks or skipping obstacles! We’re here to have fun and to challenge ourselves and each other SAFELY.
Navigating our Trails
Please note that our trail includes technical segments and specific obstacles. Volunteers will be stationed throughout the trail for assistance. We ask that you please follow the RED markers and the RED tape that outlines the paths.
Runners will navigate 3 different trails marked and guided by the RED trail indicators.
The end of each trail will put you on the main field to do a series of obstacles that will then lead back into the next trail.
Our Obstacles
Rope climb
Herc Hoist
Bonefrog Rig
Insanity wall
Monkey Bars
Spear Throw
Cliffhanger Slide
Rope Swing
Rock wall
Please be mindful and courteous to others that may be waiting for the obstacle. Due to OW's unique course design, you can always come back after the race is over and try those rings or spear throw again. Give it a try and move on to the next.
Water station
There will be bottled water on the field and a bottled water station located on a portion of the trail. All water and beverages will be first come first serve so we do encourage athletes to bring water and their reusable bottles with them.
Bag Drop
Bag Drop
There will be a bag drop tent for anyone who would like to drop their bag. Please note that Obstacle Wonderland is not responsible for any lost or stolen belongings. We ask that you lock all valuables in your vehicles during the race.
This pass lets you run any and or all individual events both Saturday and Sunday - whether it's the 6 or 3 hr Multi lap on Saturday and any or all events on Sunday, 5k and or 10k!
Will I leave with 3 different medals?
Yes- for this epic "SPICY" weekend pass event we will have a race with an event specific medal. For instance, the medal for the 5K and 10K will be slightly different. Same with the 6hr multi lap and 3 hr multi lap.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Portable restrooms are accessible at the back of the field near tier-one parking.