Saturday, May 17 from 10 am-2 pm
Road Runner Sports
553 Copley Drive, San Diego, CA 92111
Registered Bridge Run race participants receive a special offer when you pick up your race packet!
If you register prior to May 9th, your race number will be mailed to you, free of charge! If you register after May 10th, you may pick up your race number and t-shirt at packet pickup or on event morning at the finish line. We encourage you to attend the packet pick-up event!
Received your race bib number in the mail? You MUST bring it with you to pick up your T-shirt.
Didn’t receive your race bib number in the mail? If you did not receive your race bib number by mail, bring a valid ID to pick up your race bib number and T-shirt.
Picking Up For Friends and Family? If they received their race bib number in the mail, you must bring this with you to packet pickup to pickup their t-shirt. Otherwise, you may pick up race bib numbers for friends and family with their authorization (copy of their registration confirmation and copy of their photo ID). You are then responsible for distributing these items to them prior to the event.
Road Runner Sports VIP: $10 off at Road Runner store if you sign up for our VIP program OR receive double rewards if you're already a VIP member.