Tap-in was founded in 1983 by a group of six women to provide referrals and information to people. Over the years, Tap-in has grown into a provider of food, clothes, furniture, transport and information for the residents of the East Bay.
Our Mission: is to improve the quality of life for residents of Rhode Island's East Bay by providing resources to address food insecurity and economic hardship.
Tap-in is an all-volunteer agency supported one hundred percent by donations and grants from the citizens, business community, schools, places of worship and other civic associations. Currently, Tap-in has 130 volunteers, as well as an all volunteer Board of Directors and an Executive Committee.
Tap-in provides direct assistance to residents of Barrington, Bristol, East Providence, and Warren.
Tap-in is a member agency of the Rhode Island Community Food Bank (RICFB). Through our affiliation with the Food Bank, we are able to bulk buy supplies of food and other products which are supplemented with purchases from local grocery and discount stores. Since 2013, we have been able to provide fresh seasonal produce from McCoy Community Farm in Warren and since 2016 from Barrington Community Garden. Tap-in receives donations from local companies, individual households, school, houses of worship, and other civic organizations. We are recipients of food drives ranging from children asking for donations for Tap-in instead of party gifts to the annual Stamp Out Hunger Program sponsored by the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC).