You have questions, we have answers. If anything is not answered below please contact by using the contact form on the main race page.
Where do the proceeds go? The Novi Parks Foundation is our charity partner for this event. The Novi Parks Foundation raises money for the purpose of supporting park enhancements, recreational opportunities and scholarship programs for local children. We hope to raise funds to provide support and assistance to Novi Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services as they work to maintain quality parks and provide high quality cultural and recreational programs.
Where do I park?
There is ample free parking from the Novi Civic Center all the way to the Novi Public Library on 10 mile road. There is also parking off of Taft by Fuerst Park and the High School, but we recommend the other lots such as the Library or Civic Center due to Taft being closed the majority of the race.
Is there a Packet Pick Up?
We have early packet pick on:
Tuesday May 20, Wednesday May 21, Friday May 23 from 8am-5pm at Novi Civic Center
Thursday May 22 from 8 am- 8pm at Novi Civic Center
Novi Civic Center is located at 45175 W 10 Mile Rd, Novi, MI 48375
Packet pick up on race day begins at 6:30 am at Township Hall, Fuerst Park, 45325 W 10 Mile Rd, Novi, MI 48375
Can I pick up my family or friend’s Packet at Packet Pick Up?
What are the T-shirt sizes?
Your entry fee includes a T-Shirt. Unisex Adult and Children sizes available. Shirts are not guaranteed after May 1. Register early to be guaranteed a t-shirt!
Are baby joggers and strollers allowed?
Yes. We do ask that you line up in the back at the start.
What is the course like? The course is run on city streets and sidewalks thru Novi. Taft road will be closed during the event. There will be volunteers in the neighborhood directing traffic and participants. Please see the course map on the Race Info page.
Are Dogs Allowed?
No. For the safety of the participants and the dogs we ask that you not bring your dog.
Can I wear headphones? Sure, there's nothing like some good tunes while you run. We just ask that you can still hear and are aware of your surroundings.
This is my first 5k run/walk, what should I expect? Congrats, we're excited to have you! We recommend going to early packet pickup on Sunday to receive your bib (race number) and t-shirt. Race day morning arrive to the race about 1 hour to park and get warmed up. Wear the bib (your race number) on the outermost layer on your torso, we provide safety pins to pin it to your shirt. Pin in all four corners so the number doesn't flap when you're running/walking. You do not need to check in on race day morning if you pick up your packet on Sunday. Prior to the race the announcer will call everyone up to the start line. The speedy racers will line up at the front, everyone else files in behind them. If you are running with a stroller we ask that you line up at the back. The race will start and off you go! There are plenty of other participants and course support to guide you along the way. Refreshments will be available as well. We'll text you your results, and we'll also have a QR code for you to scan to pull up your results. Lastly and most importantly HAVE FUN! You'll love the energy from the race!
Can I switch events? Yes, you can do this by going to your profile in Run Signup (person icon in the upper right hand side of the screen), choose Profile and from here you can switch events. Please note you can not switch events the day of the race, as your bib/chip/race number is tied to the event you are registered for.
Are there refunds? This event will be held rain or shine, there are no refunds for this event. As you can image there is a lot of planning that goes into an event and t-shirts, awards (as applicable), refreshments, etc. all have to be ordered ahead of time. If the race is cancelled for any reason we will be unable to offer refunds, or if your plans change and you already signed up we are unable to offer refunds.