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Virtual All-Stars 5K Run/Walk Challenge

Fri June 11 - Sun June 13 Any place you like!, OH 99999 US


Any place you like!
Any place you like!, OH US 99999


Join us for our Virtual All-Stars 5K Run/Walk Challenge the weekend of June 11-13, 2021!

Founded in 1993 by Governor Arnold Schwarzeneger, After-School All-Stars (ASAS) is the leading national comprehensive after-school program that helps students in under-resourced communities succeed in school and in life. Students receive academic support, mentorship, health & wellness, and transformative experiences to help close the opportunity gap that exists between low-income youth and their more affluent peers. ASAS is a free program for all students

After-School All-Stars Ohio (ASAS Ohio) is a chapter of ASAS National. ASAS Ohio hosts their signature fundraising gala honoring Govenor Schwarzenegger and other celebrity guests annually during the Arnold Sports Fesitval (ASF) weekend in Columbus, OH. Due to the pandemic and the postponement of the ASF weekend, they are hosting a Virtual 5K Run/Walk in partnership with The Arnold Fans to help raise critical funds to support at-risk children. So "Put that cookie, down!" and join us! All participants will receive a race t-shirt and printable race bib.

Run/Walk Contact Info

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