Botkins, OH US 45306
Running with Special Families Color Run
August 10th, 2019
5K Run/Walk at Botkins Community Park
Join us for a benefit 5K walk/run to support Special Families in Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Special Families is a program that supports women and children of special needs families with education, therapy programs, medical assistance, nutrition, job opportunities and more. Special Families hosts their annual 5K walk/run in August in Matagalpa as their main source of funding for the year. All proceeds will be sent directly to Special Families.
Registration 7:30am
Race starts at 8:30am
Pre-registration (includes shirt, color, sunglasses) $25 must sign up by July 25. Race day registration $20 with no shirt
Register at:
Checks payable to: Immaculate Conception
Mail checks to:
Chelsea Freisthler PO Box
292 Botkins, OH 45306
Contact info:
Race Contact Info
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Race Participant Survey
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