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Fr. McGivney’s Way Virtual 5K Charity Event

Sat October 30 - Sun November 7


Anywhere USA


Join the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish's Knights of Columbus Council for Blessed Father McGivney’s Way Virtual 5K, Anniversary Celebration of  Fr. McGivney’s 2020 's Beatification.

Registrants may choose the activity, the location, the date & time, and whether to be alone or with others. Funds raised will continue the social outreach work of the Council both here in the parish and in the community.

Since this is a virtual 5K, entrants decide:

  • WHO - Alone or with family and friends
  • WHERE - A park, trail, neighborhood, or anywhere you choose
  • WHEN - Anytime between October 30th and November 7th
  • HOW - Walk, Run, Bike, Hike - Motor, Paddle, Swim, Fish, Golf, WHATEVER

Special Notes:

Pick up your T-shirt packet Saturday, October 30, 2021, from 9:00 am to 1:pm at IHM's ball field pavilion. You are welcome to stay to discover the IHM Prayer Trail with its 14 different areas of statues, stain glass, and walkways for prayer and reflection. Refreshments will be available if you wish to visit with others. 



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