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Hyde 5 Run

Thu August 17, 2017 Cincinnati, OH 45208 US Directions


5K Run

6:30PM EDT

5K Walk

6:30PM EDT

One-Mile Kids Run

6:10PM EDT
Open to ages 6 - 13.

Kids Discount

Kids 13 and under who choose to participate in the 5K instead of the 1-mile run will receive a $5 discount over the normal 5K price. Discount will be taken at checkout.


St. Mary Church
2853 Erie Ave.
Cincinnati, OH US 45208


St. Mary's "Hyde Five" 5K Run/Walk and 1-Mile Kids Run

Thursday, August 17, 2017

6:10 p.m. - 1-Mile Kids Fun Run

6:30 p.m. - 5K Run/Walk


St. Mary Parish and School

2853 Erie Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45208


Help us kick off the festival weekend with the 11th Hyde Five Run and Walk on Thursday, August 17, 2017


All Proceeds benefit St. Mary Parish and School.


The 5K Run/Walk begins and ends on Erie Avenue in front of St. Mary and starts at 6:30.

The Kids’ 1-Mile Fun Run is at 6:10 pm and is for the ages between 6 and 13.

 Post-Race Activities:

After the race, return to St. Mary's festival grounds for refreshments and food, and music!

If you do not run/walk the post race food will be available for purchase. Join in the party and enjoy great music!

 Official Race Website:


The 5K Run/Walk begins and ends on Erie Avenue in front of St. Mary. This is a 2-lap loop course. See details below.

Race Divisions:

14 and under, 15-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60 and over


Top Males and Female Runners and Walkers. Top male and female runners in each Age group.

Awards Ceremony will take place after the race on the festival grounds.


Results will be posted at the race and online (here) after the race

Pre-Registration Fee:

Adults 14 and over - $20 through 8/15/17/2017 and $25 thereafter

Kids 13 and under - $15 through 8/15/17/2017 and $20 thereafter

Registration includes chip timing, refreshments,  awards and more.

Early Bird Discount:

Register by June 30, 2017 and get a $5 discount off of the regular registration fee.


T-shirts are optional and available for only $5 while supplies last.

Register Online:

Online registration will be available through Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Register by Mail:

Register by mail by postmarking  your  completed entry form with payment by Friday,  August 11, 2017.

Register on Race Day:

Register in person on race day at the venue from 5:00 - 6:15 pm

Late Registration/Early Packet Pick up:

All packet pick up will take place on Race Day only.


All pre-registered entries with a valid, readable email address will receive a confirmation of your registration.


St. Mary Parish is located in Hyde Park just East of Hyde Park Square

 Google: 2853 Erie Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45208. to get directions from your location.

Coordinates: 39.138958, -84.438209

Parking Details:

Parking is available on surrounding streets.

Chip Timed:

This year's race will be professionally  "chip timed" by Running Time Race Services using Ipico shoe tags. The chips are re-usable and must be returned. We will collect them at the finish line after the race.

Our event takes place rain or shine

No Refunds!



Once again, this year's race will be chip timed with Ipico shoe tags. All Times will be read electronically. You do not have to have a tag to participate but you must have a tag to receive a time. To receive a time, you must properly attach shoe tag to your shoe. No tag, no time! Shoe tags will be distributed on race-day only. Tags are re-useable and will be collected at the finish line. If you are given a tag, you must agree to return it for reuse. Check out the video to see how to properly attach your timing chip.

Course Map

Dynamic course map via USATF:

Or view/print the attached PDF version

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Printable/Mailable Registration Form

If you would prefer to mail your registration form, print and mail a completed form with payment by Friday, August 11, 2017

Flyer coming soon.

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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