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Run The Vote : Virtual 5K - 10K - 13.1 - 26.2

Sun November 1 - Sun November 15 Columbus, OH 43235 US


Rock this run! In a time of political polarization the importance of getting out to vote has never been stronger. We don't care who or what your vote for, but make sure your. voice is counted and VOTE! The only choice we're pushing you towards is how far will you run to vote?! Sign up today to run a 5K, 10K, Half or Full Marathon to your polling place on election day! Run to vote! Run The Vote! 

Note, this is a virtual race, you'll receive all your swag prior to the event date listed above. Feel free to race on any day that fits your schedule!! Another perk of virtual racing!

Register by October 19th and you swag will ship by October 27th!

Race Website

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Additional Fees

Shipping: $8.50

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