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Stride in Style 5K

Sat March 29, 2025 Columbus, OH 43210 US Directions


5K Race

$15 10:00AM EDT Registration ends March 29, 2025 at 10:00am EDT

1 Mile Run/Walk

$15 10:05AM EDT Registration ends March 29, 2025 at 10:00am EDT


337 Annie and John Glenn Ave
Columbus, OH US 43210


Get ready for the 2nd annual Stride in Style 5K presented by the Running Outreach Initiative in collaboration with the Association for India's Development! Taking place at The Ohio State University's Recreational and Physical Activity Center (RPAC), the Stride in Style 5K will take you up and around the university's beautiful Oval, finishing in the shadow of historic Ohio Stadium. The races will take place on Saturday, March 29th near OSU's Bike Hub next to the tennis courts (find parking info below). The 5K will begin at 10 am sharp, with the 1 mile run/walk starting just a couple minutes behind. The sign-in table will open at 9:15 am, and refreshments will be provided including freshly grilled hot dogs. Even more, Brutus Buckeye will start the races and be available at the finish line for pictures with your medal!


Be one of the first 20 to sign up and get a FREE race t-shirt! Free T-shirts have been given out. Note: T-shirts will be ordered after race day and delivered. Those not one of the first 20 to sign up will have the opportunity to pay $15 for a T-shirt online (either during registration or under "Store" tab) or at a specified table on race day. Youth athletes coached by The Running Outreach Initiative will receive free T-shirts.


Prizes are up for grabs! Top male and female age group finishers will each receive a Columbus Running Company gift card, with age groups being 11 & under, 12 to 14, and 15 & up. Additionally, each participant will be granted a free raffle ticket to apply for a range of prizes, with further raffle tickets costing $2 each. 


Race entry fees and raffle tickets will support the causes of our two host organizations:


  • The Running Outreach Initiative is an OSU student-led non-profit whose mission is to enrich the lives of elementary and middle school students through the power of running. TROI wants to give back to the schools so graciously allowing us to host running programs there, thus we are donating our half of race revenue to Graham Elementary & Middle School and North Columbus Preparatory Academy!
  • The Association for India's Development is also an OSU student-led organization whose goal is to raise awareness of the dangerous working conditions that are an ongoing issue in India. Workers and their families are being affected by the lung disease, silicosis, and it is the organization's mission to raise money for these families so they can fight the disease as well as for labor rights and better working conditions.


The Neil Avenue, 12th Avenue, and Tuttle Park garages are all a short distance from the start of the race, with rates around $2.50/hr. Parking at the Ohio Stadium should also be available. For a more in-depth look at the available parking around campus, take a look at the map here.

Platinum Level Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsors

Silver Level Sponsors

Bronze Level Sponsors

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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