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Run for Hudson

Sat March 20, 2021 Dayton, OH 45434 US Directions


2660 Dayton Xenia Road
Or the location of your choice
Dayton, OH US 45434


An avid runner with a great love for Cross Country, Hudson Lee celebrated his 16th birthday on January 17, 2021, by running 16 miles in the cold weather! Three days later he told his parents that he had been struggling with a headache over the past several days. Within 24 hours, he was seen by his pediatrician who scheduled an MRI for the next day. On January 21st, the MRI confirmed their worst fears, a brain stem tumor.

RUN FOR HUDSON 2021 is a virtual walk/run 5K with NO ENTRY FEE to participate!
The Lee Family simply wants this to be a day for all those pulling for Hudson to be thinking of him, praying for him, and showing him he has an amazing cheering section. You honor him by being out there doing what he loves when he cannot.

Your neighborhood, your favorite park or hiking trail, Beavercreek High School, you decide!

For anyone who wishes to walk/run at BEAVERCREEK HIGH SCHOOL, please review the following guidelines.
• A 1/2 mile loop that starts at the baseball field dugouts will be clearly marked for use by participants. 
          This course will be open from 8:00AM - 11:00AM
• The high school TRACK will be open for use by RUNNERS as follows (BHS track coaches will be supervising):
          8:00AM – 9:00AM Community Residents
          9:00AM – 10:00AM High School Boys
          10:00AM – 11:00AM High School Girls

**The family asks that you please wear masks and appropriately physically distance if you will be participating at the school so you may keep both yourself and others safe. 

• Consider bringing along a photo of Hudson on your person (or phone) while you walk/run. 

Take selfies or videos along your route with your photo and post here or to social media or the event page.

• Help entertain Hudson! His fastest mile is 4:40. His fastest 5K is 16:02... 
Can’t beat his time on Saturday??? Share your photo(s) with #hudsonleeisfasterthanme


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