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Rogue Racers Turkey Trot

Thu November 26, 2020 Dublin, OH 43016 US Directions


1000 Turkey Trot Ln
Dublin, OH US 43016


Rogues! I know that many of you will be running on Thanksgiving with family celebrating and giving thanks for all that we have. It has been a rough year for everyone and everyone has struggled in one way or another. I know races still remain uncertain and very few are still live. I thought it would be fun to have our own small virtual Rogue Racers Turkey Trot! This is a 5k race, but if you run more than a 5k just send me your time and I will convert your time to the 5k pace time. If you happen to run with family, send their times too if they would like to take part! I will upload the times throughout the day and you can see how you and your family faired in our first Rogue Racers Turkey Trot Challenge! Please get the times to me by 11:59 PM.

Race Location: Wherever you are!

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