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WRC Virtual Turkey Trot 5k

Thu November 26 - Mon November 30 Findlay, OH 45840 US Directions


WRC Virtual Turkey Trot 5k

9:00AM EST - 11:59PM EST

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Findlay, OH US 45840


Welcome to the 10th Annual WRC Turkey Trot 5K!

Our 2020 race, the 10th annual, is “virtual” but we encourage participants to Walk, Run, or Crawl a 5k during Thanksgiving week. Participants could even bike, drive, or sit in a Lay-Z-Boy during our traditional Thanksgiving morning race time. But we hope that WRC Trotters will pick a favorite course (race apps such as RaceJoy may be used) – or use the attached map of the official Turkey Trot course – and will submit photos of the experience using #WRCTurkeyTrot5K. It will be fun to see groups of family and friends (and pets) or individuals enjoying our great WRC Turkey Trot 5K tradition!

Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Clever Costume, Furry Friend, and Family Fun Foto. All entries should be posted by Sunday, November 29 at midnight. The photos can be posted to any social media platform and must include #WRCTurkeyTrot5K.

No refunds will be given this year, but all proceeds will benefit the non-profit organization  Women’s Resource Center of Hancock County, so we appreciate your support and we thank the sponsors of the 10th Annual WRC Turkey Trot 5K!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




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