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Sat August 14, 2021 Hanoverton, OH 44423 US Directions


Virtual Tri or Du

Open to ages 16 - 100.


6000 Camp Blvd.
Hanoverton, OH US 44423





LOCATION:  6000 Camp Blvd. Lisbon, OH  44432

Date:  August 15th, 2020

Transition opens at 6:00 a.m.  Events start at 7:30 a.m.


Sprint Triathlon -  750 meter / 14 mile bike / 5k run
Aqua / Bike   -   750 meter swim & 14 mile bike
Run / Bike / Run - 1 mile run / 14 mile bike / 5k run
Open water swim in beautiful Guilford Lake.  The bike takes place on smooth Routes 172 & 9 and finishes on some hilly country roads.  Finish your run in the residential area surrounding the lake with fabulous views. 

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