Lewis Center, OH US 43035
What is Fast Rabbits?
Did you know...
Only one in three children are physically active every day.
Less than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day; only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week.
Simply put, we here at Fleet Feet are here to buck this trend and help your young athletes discover a love for running!! The Fast Rabbits Youth Running Club offers participants the opportunity to participate in regular physical activity and to learn about healthy lifestyle behaviors along the way. We're not just here to prepare for a race, we're here to empower your athlete!
Though our focus is on running, we allow kids time to just be kids as well! Your athlete will be introduced to different types of running/training (i.e. road running, trail running, track workouts and circuit training), running drills and stretching to improve form and prevent injury, as well as fun games (that may or may not also involve running...). Our coaches work hard on daily plans for practice that will make your young athlete excited to come back!
We are offering you the option to sign up for our new WINTER SEASON, or all FOUR seasons at a greatly discounted price! You also get some stylish swag... (see below for details).
Our Winter Season will serve as a conditioning season for runners. The runs will primarily be easy runs with some hill work and short speed work thrown in here and there, focused on building confidence with running, getting stronger for spring/summer running, and learning the basics of proper warm-ups and running-focused strength training. Runners will run supervised with the coaches the entire session.
The Summer Season will also introduce different tracks for runners to have a more personalized running experience. During sign-up you will be able to select if your runner is new to the sport, or is more experienced and looking to get ready for cross country running in the fall. This will allow runners to focus on their goals, and get more personalized coaching.
When/where do we meet?
Spring/Fall : Tuesday and Thursday evenings: 5:30pm - 7:00pm (or 6:30 depending on sunset times)
Summer: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Evenings from 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Where do we meet?
Winter Season: Rotating locations: Snouffer Park, Griggs Reservoir Shelterhouse SW. Back-up indoor location at Fleet Feet Lewis Center
Spring/Fall sessions: Snouffer Rd Park in Worthington
Summer: Snouffer Rd Park in Worthington on Tuesdays/Thursdays; TBD location on Wednesdays (likely Griggs Reservoir Shelterhouse SW)
All registrations include the following:
-Amazing running training with super enthusiastic coaches
-Fast Rabbits branded drawstring bag
-Fast Rabbits branded t-shirt
-Branded goodies
-Water bottle
-In-Store Shoe Discount Code
Annual memberships also get a stylish running jacket!
(seasonal memberships will have the option to purchase this jacket separately during registration!!)
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Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.