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Sat May 4, 2019 Lore City, OH 43755 US Directions


5K Run

9:00AM EDT
Family Pricing Available

1 Mile Fun Run

9:00AM EDT Register your family of 3 or more for $30.00

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Leatherwood Park / Lore City Trail Head
204 Main St.
Lore City, OH US 43755


This event is meant to raise money for the local schools and will consist of a 5k and a 1 mile family fun walk. This will be a timed race (for running participants only) with timing services provided by Muskingum Multisports.
Join us for our Annual 5k Run/Walk on Saturday, May 4th 2019 at the Great Guernsey Trail. In addition to our annual 5k run/walk we will be holding a Family Fun walk. There will be a couple of fun things for kids participating in this event. All proceeds from this years event will be distributed to local school districts.
Proceeds raised at this event will support the local school districts. All proceeds will be distributed to area school systems including but not limited to Barnesville Exempted Village Schools, Cambridge Local Schools, East Guernsey Local Schools, East Muskingum Local Schools, Rolling Hills Local Schools, St. Benedict’s, and Shenandoah Local School District.
The 5k participants will enjoy the scenic Great Guernsey Trail for the length of the 5K. Water will be provided at the turn around point and the race will end where it began. Parking is plentiful at the Lore City end of the trail where the race will take place. There will also be a 1mi. family fun walk (not eligible for Event T-Shirts) during the 5k for those who wish to help support their school system. During the family fun walk strollers are welcome. There will be a couple of small fun activities for kids who wish to participate in the walk.
Awards will be issued to the top three overall finishers and in each of the following age categories:
14-under, 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ Walkers are welcome! In order to be eligible for awards, you must sign up as a runner, even if you will be walking the course.
Race Day registration and packet pick-up will be at the Lore City Pavillion near the Great Guernsey Trail - starting at 7:30am
Your race packet will include a T-shirt with race logo, finish line snack and beverage. Bridget Hamper, LMT is volunteering her massage services after the race. All participants registered by April 16th are guaranteed a Race T-shirt. Extra t-shirts will be first come first serve on race day, will be available to purchase race day for walkers who wish to have one.
ENTRY FEES: (non-refundable)
5k run/walk $25 - through April 19th – Late Entry $30 April 20th to race day
Individual Walk (1mi.) $10 - Fee does not change, does not include t-shirt and awards not eligible
Family Fun Walk (1mi.) $30 per family - fee does not change, does not include race t-shirt
*Registration forms and fee made out and mailed to: Woodlawn Dental Center 1109 Woodlawn Ave Cambridge Ohio, 43725 memo line: Miles for Community Smiles
For any questions please contact Race Director Laura @ 740-439-4799

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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