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Mom's Day 5k & Kid's Fun Run

Sat May 8, 2021 Directions


Mom's Day 5k

9:00AM EDT


K.C. Geiger Park in St Marys


MOM’S DAY 5K & 1 Kid's Fun Run

Saturday— May 8th, 2021

Kid's Fun Run - 8:30 AM
5k Walk/Run - 9:00 AM

Online registration, chip timing, and race results will once again be provided by Cant’ Stop Running. Visit and click on ‘Local Race Registration’ for more details. Mail or drop off
registration goes to Auglaize Mercer YMCA at 4075 Wuebker Rd. Minster, Ohio 45865.

Race Location
The start and finish line will be located in K.C. Geiger Park in St. Marys.

Course Description
Race will head north on the K.C. Geiger trail, go through Memorial Park to the Tow Path. It will continue north
up the trail until it comes to the turn around. Follow the same course back to the starting line.

Pre-registration deadline: April 16th
Adults and Kids 13+ $20 - includes shirt
Kids 12 and under $15 - includes shirt

Race Day Registration
$20 for all (no shirt)
Shirts for $5 while supplies last
Fun Run is FREE - Register On Race Day

Top 3 Male, Top 3 Female, First Place in each age group
Age Groups (groups will be split into Male/Female)
9 & Under, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


K.C. Geiger Park in St Marys

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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