North Jackson, OH US 44451
This race will be hosted by JMHS Key Club. We want to raise enough money to build a greenhouse for our school's campus. We will use the greenhouse to grow fresh vegetables, and to use for fun projects in the science department.
Each 1st place winner from each age group will win a trophy. Additional prizes will be awarded including iPODs, gift cards, and refreshments.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Additonal Info
This race will be hosted by JMHS Key Club. We want to raise enough money to build a greenhouse for our school's campus. We will use the greenhouse to grow fresh vegetables, and to use for fun projects in the science department.
Each 1st place winner from each age group will win a trophy. Additional prizes will be awarded including iPODs, gift cards, and refreshments.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.