Open to Everyone!
Celebrate Homecoming at Miami as you walk or run in the Run for Love & Honor 5K on Friday, September 16, 2016. You'll have the chance to run along paths both familiar and new, and check out Miami's latest campus additions along the way.
New this year! A family friendly Kids 1K will also be available.
Race begins at 6:30 p.m. adjacent to King Library. Strollers welcome!
Registration is available online through September 14 for $25 or register on site on race day for $30 per person! Cost includes a short-sleeved tech shirt and goody bag. Shirt sizes cannot be guaranteed for onsite registrations. Secure baggage claim will be available at the race registration area. Show your race bib at the Goggin Ice Center for free access to locker room showers after the run.
Kids 13 and under who register for the 1K, will become members of Swoop's Kids Club. Registration includes, Swoop's Kids Club T-shirt or bib. Swoop's Kids Club Official Credential and lanyard, Invitation to Exclusive Swoop's Kids Club only events, Special Giveaways, Pillowcase, Happy Birthday Card, Special discounted ticket opportunities for parents. Kids who are already members may register free of charge.
View the course map here (coming soon). A water stop will be available at the halfway point (near Shriver Center).
Awards will be given in age and gender categories. All finishers will receive a Run for Love & Honor medal. Post race refreshments will be available, and restrooms will be open in nearby campus buildings.
Packet pickup and race day registration and will begin at 6 p.m. Come early and enjoy the Homecoming Huddle at Slant Walk, a new carnival-like event.
Street parking for participants and spectators will be available along Campus Avenue and other surrounding streets.
The race will go on regardless of precipitation. The race will only be delayed or cancelled if weather conditions present imminent danger to participants.
Presented by the Miami University Student Foundation and the Miami University Alumni Association. Waterbottles and shirts sponsored by Liberty Mutual
Proceeds will benefit the Miami University Student Foundation scholarship fund.
Complete information at the Miami University Alumni site:
Oxford, OH US 45056
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.