100 S. Wayne St
Piqua, OH US 45356
5K Run/Walk to Celebrate Piqua Catholic School’s 30 Years of FAITHful Education!
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Location Piqua Bike Path, Lock 9 along the scenic Miami River. The Piqua Bike Path is a public park. Strollers
and leashed dogs are permitted.
Check-In Registration and check-in begins at 6:30am at The Knights of St. John Hall, 100 S. Wayne St., Piqua,
OH; Race begins at 8am
Timing Race timing provided by Can’t Stop Running Chip Timing; Please note: chips are not disposable.
Runners not returning their chip will be charged $10
Awards Top finishers for each age group
Extras Restrooms available at The Knights of St. John Hall; Refreshments & snacks provided for participants
courtesy of our generous race sponsors
Proceeds To benefit enrichment programs & opportunities for students and families at Piqua Catholic School
Pre-Register for $25 by August 1, 2017 - Includes Awesome T-Shirt! Register online or by mail. Return the form below with cash or check payable to: Cavaliers in Action, Piqua Catholic School, 503 W. North St, Piqua, OH 45356
Race day registration $30-no t-shirt included
Sorry, no refunds!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.