Pitsburg, OH US 45358
Support Brixton Nelson and the CMV Foundation to raise awareness and funds in a Strides 4 CMV 5K in Pitsburg, Ohio. Brixton is 2 years old, who is full of smiles and deep belly laughs. He loves to spin in circles and play with his switch. Brixton was diagnosed with congenital CMV at birth, which lead to hearing loss, cerebral palsy, and a seizure disorder. After being told he will not walk, eat, or talk; Brixton has accomplished all of that, with thanks to his OT/PT/SLP, amazing care team, and parents. In a world full of won’ts and can’ts, Brixton has and will.
Congenital CMV (cCMV) is the leading, non-genetic cause of childhood hearing loss, and a leading cause of childhood disabilities. Less than 9% of women have heard of cCMV.