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Pulmonary Fibrosis Virtual 5K Run/Walk

Tue September 1 - Wed September 30

Race Cancellation

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic this year's pulmonary fibrosis run has been cancelled and will return in the fall of 2021. We hope to see everyone next year!

Here Are Your Options:

You understand that events are expensive, even when cancelled, and you want us to keep your registration fees to help cover our costs. We deeply appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at an event soon.

We understand. We hope you can join us next time.


The University of Toledo Respiratory Care Organization would like to welcome you to virtually participate in the 2020 Pulmonary Fibrosis 5K!

Participants may run a 5K either outside at their own desired location or inside on a treadmill. Please track and submit your 5K finish time through the website. Thank you for supporting our 2020 PF 5K which will benefit those suffering from Pulmonary Fibrosis. The funds raised will be donated to the National Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation in an effort to support individuals living with the disease.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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