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Thu October 1 - Sat October 31 Muskogee, OK 74403 US


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Muskogee, OK US 74403


Please join the Hilldale Education Foundation in our mission of raising funds for teacher grants, by taking on our virtual challenge!  This virtual event runs the entire month of October, so you can run or walk your 10, 30, or 60 miles at your own pace and location(s) throughout the month.  If you are a biker, we will take you too!  Just pick whatever distance fits you, but also will be a challenge for you to complete.  You can break it down into 31 daily activities or knock it out in one activity.  No times are kept; just keep track of your distance on each activity and log it towards your goal of 10, 30 or 60 miles. 


Virtual Challenge Instructions:
1) Register for the event
2) Use a phone app like Map My Run or Run Keeper, or a GPS watch, to track your distance.  Or if you know a set distance (My house to that tree is a quarter Mile), then just keep a paper log.
3) To submit your mileage: Go back to the registration page and click on results at the top of the page.  On that page you will click "Submit Virtual Results" and you will look up your name and enter your distance.  You will see your mileage tally on the leaderboard and can check how you are doing against the field if you are the competitive type. 

Shirts are guaranteed for all runners, so we are cutting off registration on October 15th.
Registration fees are $25 for students and $40 for adults. 


Packet Pickup or mailed packet options:  

If you submit your time and distance, we will get you a finsihers packet one of two ways: 

- In person pick up at I:40 Awards & Engraving at 812 East Side Blvd Muskogee, OK on Wednesday Nov. 3rd and Thursday Nov. 4th from 8:00 to 5:00.  If you don't pick up your packet in person, we will mail it to you on Friday the 5th.   


For any questions about this event, please click contact race or email

Race Contact Info

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Race Participant Survey

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