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RWT Run Strong: Cross Training Workshop

Thu January 25, 2024 Tulsa, OK 74133 US Directions


Jan 25 Run Strong Workshop

6:00PM CST - 7:30PM CST


8988 S Sheridan Rd Suite A
Tulsa, OK US 74133


This Workshop is FREE for anyone signed up with RWT Winter/Spring Marathon Training Program. If you need code email, your Run Leader should of sent an email with a link to FREE registration.

Are you a well-rounded runner? Or do you just rely on grit and the ability to push through the pain. The best way to cross that finish line with a smile on your face is to have the ability to maintain your training plan for the entire duration of the training block. Taking time off and/or reducing volume and effort because of pain is only holding you back from PR’s and getting through a race more comfortably so that you can enjoy the experience!

Many runners understand the importance of consistency with their running plan, but undervalue the importance of creating a foundation of strength upon which those miles are built. Most of the time when runners must take time off it’s because of an overuse injury that is a result of the tendon not being strong and capable enough to handle the rigorous demands of training. This program is designed to build strength and thickness of the soft tissue in order to withstand the demands of high-volume training,

Let us at Vitality teach you a simple at home workout that can also be transferred into a gym if you’d prefer. This workout is designed to get every one of you across the finish line injury free and with a smile on your face!

Light snacks provided too!

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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