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60 Minute Challenge - July 4th

Fri July 3 - Sun July 5 Beaverton, OR 97005 US



60-Minute Virtual Challenge

What: A virtual race where participants:

  • Register ahead of time
  • On the specified week or weekend, participants run 60 minutes on their own keeping track of how far they ran or walked in 60 minutes.
  • Submit how far they ran, rounded DOWN to the nearest mile (e.g. 5.6 miles would round down to 5 miles). This would be on the honor system.

Dates: There will be 4 different races (participants must register for each one individually)

Event Information

Dates: There will be 4 different races (participants must register for each one individually)

  • July 4th weekend (July 3-5)       
  • Labor Day weekend (September 5-7)  
  • Halloween weekend (October 30-November 1)         
  • Thanksgiving weekend (November 26-29)     

Participants complete their 60-minute run on any of the 3 or 4 days of the event.

Where: Anywhere! As long as you can track your mileage so you know how far you ran and can report it. So go to a track, on a road, on a trail… wherever you want to run.

Reporting Your Mileage:

  • After completing your 60-Minute Challenge, report your miles at the 60-Minute Challenge website - click here.
  • GPS or Garmin documentation is NOT required. This is all on the honor system
  • Submit how far you ran rounded DOWN to the nearest mile (e.g. 5.6 miles would round down to 5 miles)
  • The deadline for submitting your mileage to be eligible for a prize is midnight on the last day of the challenge, July 5th.

Cost: $20 per event ($10 for ORRC members)

Results: There are no age group or overall results. Instead, ORRC will track the names of people who completed each mile group. For example, all of the participants who finish 6 miles are placed in a “6-mile prize” group, starting at 2 miles and up through 11 miles. There are no ½ mile increments, only full mile groups.

Prizes: gift certificates/coupons of $25 will be given out to random names drawn from each mileage group (the number of prizes for each group will depend on the size of the group compared to total number of prizes available (e.g. 1 name from all participants who completed 2 miles, 2 names for 3 miles, etc), with more names drawn from larger groups fewer names from smaller groups.

There will also be additional gift cards given out at random to people who submit pictures of themselves running their 60 minutes challenge, so we can get pictures of the event.

There will be one final bonus prize drawing from the group of participants who complete all four events.

Swag: There will be no t-shirts or finisher medals for this event, all proceeds will go toward the prize drawings, and to help support Oregon Road Runners Club. Thank you for your support!

Questions?: Contact Race Directors at

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


4840 S.W. Western Ave.
Beaverton, OR US 97005

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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