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All Out Challenge

Sat July 20, 2019 Bend, OR 97702 US Directions


All Out Challenge

9:00AM PDT - 1:00PM PDT


730 SW Columbia St
Bend, OR US 97702


We are excited to host the OTF Bend All Out Challenge through the beautiful and scenic Old Mill District and Bend Parks and Rec.  This event is a 3 leg 5k Run/ Walk event; Base, Push, and All Out.  Participants will be running to a different park to perform body weight exercises, functional movements, and physical challenges.  Each leg is a bit longer than the previous and each exercise stop is a bit more challenging. All legs total 3 miles. 

This event is like nothing else you have ever experienced with sprinklings of OTF, crossfit, running, skipping, spartan, warrior, strength, power, and endurance. Bring friends, family members, OTF members, non members, everyone is welcome.  


Run to RiverBend Park (approximately 1 mile out and back) - 1 Challenge

'Suicide Shuttle'

75' Increments with odd size objects

Must have a weighted object in each hand at the starting line
Run to first line, stop and do 20 Mountain Climbers, run back to start
Run to second line, stop and do 30 Push Ups, run back to start
Run to Last Line, stop and do 40 Air Squats, run back to start


Push Leg (approx. 1.15 miles out and back) - 2 Challenges

Run to Farewell Bend Park to the 'Hurt, Fix & Repeat'

200' Lunge Shoot
Complete 3 Burpees each time a coach blows their whistle

Move on and complete Challenge 2 the 'Filthy Jack'

25 Jumping Jacks
25 Plank Jacks
25 Squat Jacks
25 Pop Jacks


All Out Leg (approx. 1.1 mile loop - 3 Challenges

Run to the Pump House Lawn for the 'Box Burner' 

20 Bicycle Kicks
20 Toe Reach 
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
20 Dumbbell Seated Twists
20 Medball Wood Chop

Run past the Bend Whitewater Park to the Boomerang Lawn to complete 'Burpees for Days' and ‘Sandman’

100' Burpee Broad Jump Shoot

30 Sandbag Cleans to over the shoulder


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Base Leg



Run to RiverBend Park (approximately 1 mile out and back) - 1 Challenge

'Suicide Shuttle'

75' Increments with odd size objects

Must have a weighted object in each hand at the starting line
Run to first line, stop and do 20 Mountain Climbers, run back to start
Run to second line, stop and do 30 Push Ups, run back to start
Run to Last Line, stop and do 40 Air Squats, run back to start

Return to transition area before continuing to Push Leg. 

Push Leg



Push Leg (approx. 1.15 miles out and back) - 2 Challenges

Run to Farewell Bend Park to the 'Evil Burpee Lunge'

250' Lunge Shoot
Complete 3 Burpees each time a coach blows their whistle

Move on and complete Challenge 2 the 'Filthy Jack'

50 Jumping Jacks
50 Plank Jacks
50 Squat Jacks
50 Pop Jacks

Return to Transition before continuing onto All Out Leg

All Out Leg



All Out Leg (approx. 1.5 miles out and back) - 3 Challenges

Run to the Pump House Lawn for TBD 

Run past the Bend Whitewater Park to the Boomerang Lawn to 'Sandman'

30 Sandbag Cleans to over the shoulder

Move on to Challenge #3 and complete 'Burpees for Days' 

100' Burpee Broad Jump Shoot


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