Florence, OR US 97439
Let's run or walk as fast as we can from 2020 and into a great new year. This 5K run/walk will be a celebration! Come join us and find lots of fun and prizes at the end!
This hand-timed 5K (3.1 miles) will begin and end in the Coastal Fitness parking lot. Depending on the restrictions at the time this event may have a staggered start to avoid too much togetherness. :) Sign up before Feb 10th and you'll get a "collector's edition" t-shirt. Also, we'll post training tips and mini-challenges on our Coastal Fitness Facebook page starting Jan. 6th. We will also be hosting trainings for walking and running starting at Coastal Fitness each Friday at noon-rain or shine. We are here to help you be ready, whether this is your first 5K or your 2021st.
Weather showering or shining, we're doin' this! We've been through worse. See you Saturday, February 20, 2021!
Race Contact Info
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